Seamoss Schatten

What nutrients are in sea moss?


Seamoss is a great nutrient source as it contains almost all the minerals your body needs.
Here is a small overview of the
most important and what they can do for you.

Magnesium – Helps with muscle and nerve function
The mineral activates around 300 metabolic enzymes that are crucial for DNA and protein synthesis, bone metabolism, muscle and nerve function and the regulation of blood sugar and blood pressure.
The body needs magnesium to send messages from the brain to the nervous system. It also helps muscles contract and relax properly.

Calcium – Maintains strong bones
It is the most important building material for bones and teeth. But the mineral can do much more. It is also indispensable for blood clotting, muscle function and communication between cells.

Phosphorus - Is a component of bones, teeth, DNA and RNA
It activates enzymes, maintains normal pH and helps with energy storage.
Since 100 grams of Seamoss contains an impressive 157 mg of the mineral, it's a great way to increase your phosphorus stores.

Potassium - is one of the most important electrolytes
It is crucial for the fluid content of the cells. Your body needs potassium for essentially everything it does, including maintaining optimal kidney and heart function, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction.

Iron – Boosts your mood and energy
Without iron, our bodies cannot properly develop or produce red blood cells. Your body also needs iron for muscle metabolism, brain development, growth, cell function, and hormone production.
Iron deficiency makes us tired and weak. To compensate for this, Seamoss is an optimal addition to your diet

Iodine – improve thyroid function
This trace element is vital for the organism, including for growth processes, those of the nervous system and thus the brain. Iodine regulates the metabolism and the cardiovascular system via the thyroid gland and its hormones.
If you lack iodine, you may experience fatigue, constipation, and weakness, among other things.
Since we cannot produce iodine naturally, we must get it from food - about 140 micrograms per day. Seamoos can help you maintain a regular level of iodine in your system.

Silicon – Gives the skin its elasticity
It is a key mineral in our body and yet it is often underestimated. Without it, our bodies would struggle to form cartilage and bones, as well as the collagen that helps our skin stay elastic as we age.
From our early 20s, our collagen levels drop by one to two percent annually, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles and other signs of aging.
Many are beginning to include collagen in their daily beauty routines to keep their skin looking younger. Another option is to take more silicon. Seamoss is a source of silicon and can be a powerful addition to your skincare routine when consumed regularly.

Copper – Helps prevent cardiovascular disease
A diet rich in copper can help defend your body. For example, before cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes and cardiac arrhythmias.
Seamoss contains relatively high levels of copper and when ingested can be an excellent way to safely increase your copper levels. It is best to combine it with other copper-rich foods such as seeds, nuts and whole grains.

Sulfur - Creates smoother, healthier skin
All seamosses are considered high in sulfur, so this mineral is a great addition to most skincare routines. Although it's not typically a mineral we're all looking for in our products.
When applied topically, sulfur can eliminate unwanted microorganisms that contribute to acne. Additionally, many naturopathic practitioners believe it can improve the quality of your fingernails, skin, and other tissues when ingested.

Zinc - Is one of the essential trace elements
It is stored in every cell in your body and plays a key role in your immune system. Zinc is also crucial for baby growth and development, wound healing, and the manufacture of genetic material such as DNA and proteins.

Seamoss is also a good source of numerous vitamins that help your body grow, develop and function as it should. They provide you with energy from food, optimize your immune system to ward off disease and infection, and keep your organs functioning as they should.

There are 13 Seamoss vitamins in total: vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, B6, B12, folic acid). Sea moss contains small amounts of many of these important vitamins.
Some of the most well-known vitamins in sea moss are:

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it accumulates and is stored in your body's fatty tissue. It is needed primarily for blood clotting and bone metabolism.

Vitamin B2 is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it is not stored in your body and requires regular intake of B2-containing foods or supplements. Riboflavin is an essential component of two important coenzymes, FMN and FAD. Your body needs these enzymes to produce energy, keep cells working, growing and developing.

Vitamin B9, called folic is one you should take regularly. While it's often found in its synthetic form in supplements, folate occurs naturally in certain plants like sea moss. Folic acid is needed for cell division and to make DNA and other genetic material.

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