Maisha (Swahili) means life and for us it means living that life healthily.

Much of what we would have liked to have learned earlier, we have only learned in recent years and are constantly discovering new gifts that nature offers us.

When we finally became aware of Seamoss, after a long search we quickly realized how difficult it is to get consistently good quality.

On our trip to Tanzania 2022 we finally found what we were looking for.

This wonderful country offers an incredible variety of natural foods with health-promoting properties - in short, superfoods - and the essential knowledge about them, which is passed on from generation to generation.

And so Maisha was born, with the aim of giving you access to high-quality, sustainable products while being fair.

We are happy about everyone who wants to do something good for themselves ... you've come to the right place!

Karibu (Swahili) means welcome.

Annie and Sarah

  • quality

    We do not compromise on quality, so we stand behind our products 100% and subject them to rigorous testing to ensure naturalness and effectiveness.

  • sustainability

    We've taken the time to study the environmental impact of every step in our production process, and we're still working to minimize it by being scrupulous about the materials we use.
    Our goal is to continue to use energy resources in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner in the future.

  • fair trade

    Fair trade ensures that fishermen/farmers around the world and especially in poorer countries can earn their livelihood with dignity. We source our natural products directly from our fellow families in these communities to help them live better lives and feed themselves with the profits they make themselves.